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Coucal Channel - Email

An Email channel supports sending and receiving content via Email transports (i.e. SMTP/IMAP/POP).

When to use Email

Email channels are best suited for publishing directly to Workspace members and other closed distribution lists.

✅ Email provides support for the iCalendar iTIP protocol used to schedule events between participants.


Publishing content changes via an Email channel requires the channel to include an SMTP configuration. This includes:

  • SMTP Host/port details
  • Authentication credentials (if required)


Consuming content from an Email channel requires an IMAP or POP configuration. This includes:

  • IMAP/POP Host/port details
  • Authentication credentials

As email is not an authenticated transport (i.e. anyone can send a message to an email address), by default only messages from Workspace members will be accepted.

You can add additional valid email addresses to the accept whitelist, to include content sent within your organization, etc.

Supported Content

A Channel can be configured to respond differently depending on the ingress content. The following typical use-case are supported:

  • iCalendar iTIP attachment in response to meeting request (e.g. REPLY, REFRESH, COUNTER) - update attendee status
  • iCalendar iTIP attachment created externally (e.g. PUBLISH, REQUEST, ADD, CANCEL, DECLINECOUNTER) - create or update content