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Coucal Channel - Websub

Websub is a specification that supports publishing content to registered subscribers on the Internet. This channel supports publishing content via a configured Websub Hub such that subscribers receive the content updates.

When to use Websub

Websub channels are good for publishing content to an unknown list of subscribers (i.e. subscribers are managed externally via the Websub Hub). This can be a good option for notifying other applications of changes to content without a need for guaranteed delivery.

✅ Websub does not rely on polling for ingress and so can be more responsive than email.


Publishing content changes via a Websub channel requires the channel to include a Hub configuration. This includes:

  • Websub Hub Host details
  • Authentication credentials (if required)


Consuming content from a Websub channel requires one or more subscriptions to Hub topics.

Supported Content

A Websub channel is used primarily to publish content in one direction. As such the use-case is limited to iTIP method related to publishing only:

  • iCalendar iTIP created externally (e.g. PUBLISH, ADD, CANCEL) - used to create/update content