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Coucal CLI - Data Management

Data management commands use a virtual path to specify the location of the content. The virtual path is defined as follows:


Any sub-path is also valid for all commands as long as it follows the above hierarchical convention.

Data management commands include:

  • List - list content at the specified path
  • Move - move content to a destination path
  • Read - read content at the specified path
  • Write - write content to the specified path
  • Delete - delete content at the specified path


The list command is used to list summarized details of the children at a specified path. List is analagous to a GET request via RESTful API for the following paths:

Description CLI Path API Path
List workspaces list / GET <endpoint>/workspaces HTTP/1.1
List repositories in workspace default list /default GET <endpoint>/ HTTP/1.1 (cookie defines current workspace)
List all content in repository 1 list /default/1 N/A
List actions in repository 1 list /default/1/actions GET <endpoint>/1/actions HTTP/1.1
List availability in repository 1 list /default/1/availability GET <endpoint>/1/availability HTTP/1.1
List entities in repository 1 list /default/1/entities GET <endpoint>/1/entities HTTP/1.1
List events in repository 1 list /default/1/events GET <endpoint>/1/events HTTP/1.1
List issues in repository 1 list /default/1/issues GET <endpoint>/1/issues HTTP/1.1
List metrics in repository 1 list /default/1/metrics GET <endpoint>/1/metrics HTTP/1.1
List notes in repository 1 list /default/1/notes GET <endpoint>/1/notes HTTP/1.1
List requests in repository 1 list /default/1/requests GET <endpoint>/1/requests HTTP/1.1
List all content defined in event 2 list /default/1/events/2 N/A
List alarms defined in event 2 list /default/1/events/2/alarms GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/alarms HTTP/1.1
List locations defined in event 2 list /default/1/events/2/locations GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/locations HTTP/1.1
List participants defined in event 2 list /default/1/events/2/participants GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/participants HTTP/1.1
List resources defined in event 2 list /default/1/events/2/resources GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/resources HTTP/1.1
List all content defined in event occurrence 20240404 list /default/1/events/2/20240404 N/A
List alarms defined in event occurrence 20240404 list /default/1/events/2/20240404/alarms GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/20240404/alarms HTTP/1.1
List locations defined in event occurrence 20240404 list /default/1/events/2/20240404/locations GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/20240404/locations HTTP/1.1
List participants defined in event occurrence 20240404 list /default/1/events/2/20240404/participants GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/20240404/participants HTTP/1.1
List resources defined in event occurrence 20240404 list /default/1/events/2/20240404/resources GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/20240404/resources HTTP/1.1
List locations defined in alarm 3 list /default/1/events/2/alarms/3/locations GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/alarms/3/locations HTTP/1.1


$ coucal ls /   # list all workspaces

$ coucal ls /user1   # list all repositories in user1's default workspace

$ coucal ls /user1/1   # list all content in user1's repository identifed by "1"

$ coucal ls /user1/1/events   # list only events in user1's repository identifed by "1"

$ coucal ls /user1/1/events/2   # list subcomponents of event 2 in user1's repository identifed by "1"

$ coucal ls /user1/1/events/2/participants   # list only participants of event 2 in user1's repository identifed by "1"


The move command can be used to reorganise repositories and content in a Coucal instance. The move command does not currently have equivalent functionality defined via the REST API, and is a CLI-only feature.


$ coucal mv /user1/1 /newworkspace  # move a repository identified by "1" to a shared workspace

$ coucal mv /user1/1/events/2 /newworkspace/2  # move an event identified by "2" to a shared workspace repository


The read command can be used to export data from Coucal to a variety of formats. Read is analagous to a GET request via RESTful API for the following paths:

Description CLI Path API Path
Read default workspace details read /default GET <endpoint>/workspaces/default HTTP/1.1
Read repository 1 details read /default/1 GET <endpoint>/1 HTTP/1.1 (cookie defines current workspace)
Read all event details in repository 1 read /default/1/events N/A
Read event 2 details read /default/1/events/2 GET <endpoint>/1/events/2 HTTP/1.1
Read event occurrence 20240404 details read /default/1/events/2/20240404 GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/20240404 HTTP/1.1
Read event alarm 3 details read /default/1/events/2/alarms/3 GET <endpoint>/1/events/2/alarms/3 HTTP/1.1


$ coucal read /user1/1/events  # output all events in repository "1" as a single iCalendar object

$ coucal read /user1/1/events/2  # output a single event in repository "1" as an iCalendar object


The write command is used to create and update data. Write is typically analagous to a POST request in the REST API, as defined for the following paths:

Description CLI Path API Path
Create a new workspace write / <workspace details> POST <endpoint>/workspaces HTTP/1.1
Update existing default workspace write /default <workspace details> POST <endpoint>/workspaces/default HTTP/1.1
Create a new repository write /default <repository details> POST <endpoint>/ HTTP/1.1 (cookie defines current workspace)
Update existing repository 1 write /default/1 <repository details> POST <endpoint>/1 HTTP/1.1
Create a new event write /default/1/events <event details> POST <endpoint>/events HTTP/1.1
Update existing event 2 write /default/1/events/2 <event details> POST <endpoint>/1/events/2 HTTP/1.1


The write command is used to remove data. Delete is analagous to a DELETE request in the REST API, as defined for the following paths:

Description CLI Path API Path
Delete a workspace delete /default |DELETE /workspaces/default HTTP/1.1`
Delete repository 1 delete /default/1 DELETE <endpoint>/1 HTTP/1.1 (cookie defines current workspace)
Delete event 2 delete /default/1/events/2 DELETE <endpoint>/1/events/2 HTTP/1.1