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Coucal Examples - Time Tracker

Tracking time spent by teams is used for funding allocation and justification.


Time tracking with Coucal could incorporate the following:

  • A workspace with roles for time entry and time approval
  • A repository to record timesheets and approval actions


The following steps can be used to configure a time tracker in Coucal using either command line or API interfaces.

Configure via the command line

  1. Create a new workspace

    $ coucal workspaces add timetracker <<EOF
        "fn": "Time Tracker for A-Team",
        "member": "coucal:user:joe"
        "member": "coucal:user:sally"
        "member": "coucal:user:frank"
  2. Create the time tracking roles

    $ coucal roles add timetracker <<EOF
        "fn": "Time Entry Submitter",
        "role": "coucal:permission:note:*"
        "role": "coucal:permission:action:read"
        "member": "coucal:user:joe"
        "member": "coucal:user:sally"
    $ coucal roles add timetracker <<EOF
        "fn": "Time Entry Approver",
        "role": "coucal:permission:action:*"
        "role": "coucal:permission:note:read"
        "member": "coucal:user:frank"
  3. Create the time tracking repository

    $ coucal repositories add timetracker <<EOF
        "fn": "Time Tracker repository for A-Team"
  4. Create approval workflows

Create named filters to be used as workflow triggers:

     $ coucal filters add <<EOF
        "fn": "Timesheet",
        "query": "concept = ical4j:concept:note:timesheet",
        "uid": "coucal:filter:concept:timesheet"

     $ coucal filters add <<EOF
        "fn": "Status:Created",
        "query": "status = created",
        "uid": "coucal:filter:status:created"

When a timesheet is submitted, create a new approval action:

    $ coucal workflows add timetracker <<EOF
        "fn": "Create approval for time submission",
        "context": "/timetracker/1",
        "trigger": "coucal:filter:concept:timesheet",
        "trigger": "coucal:filter:status:created",
        "intent": "coucal:intent:approval:create"

When a timesheet approval is completed, update the status on the associated timesheet:

    $ coucal workflows add timetracker <<EOF
        "fn": "Update status for time submission",
        "context": "/timetracker/1",
        "trigger": "coucal:filter:concept:approval",
        "trigger": "coucal:filter:status:closed",
        "intent": "coucal:intent:timesheet:approve"